La inmortalidad del cangrejo
By Anonymous
La inmortalidad del cangrejo
Estoy pensando en la inmortalidad del cangrejo.
Which is to say, I am thinking about nothing.
The cangrejo under which I was born
That Cancer – since it crawled across my path
Wrapped her spindly legs around my bones
Pierced them with her claws
Became omnipresent in my mind.
The crab flaunts its perpetuity
Immortal cells threaten with hungry claws
You must greet your unwelcome visitor –
Dance with it in the deepest depths.
Your hand grasps tight
As you try to lead –
To control the rhythm.
But her claws are strong
And she cannot be led.
She breaks free,
Hides in corners,
Moving, growing, unseen.
Hope rises like a brilliant beacon
A lighthouse, far off in the distance.
You must fight for it
(They say)
Even as the waves push you back
And when the light shatters
You grasp at its fragments.
Forgetting your destination
Engulfed in shrouds of heavy fog.
I was thinking about the immortality of the crab
Relentless, consuming,
Alive through theft, deceit, betrayal.
Once it steals what is yours,
It is hard to think of much else.
Even in your quietest hours,
You plot to rob her days of tranquility.
I was thinking about the immortality of the crab
Feeding her forever with my thoughts.
I refuse to gratify her indignities.
Rest my mind on old wisdom:
Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr.
I try to let my mind drift on the waves
As they break from reality.
This author has chosen to remain anonymous, but they share that they are a nurse who has been “living with, fighting, and dying from cancer” for 6 years. They identify as Latine, and state that this poem is based on two idioms from their culture: “Pensando de la inmortalidad del cangrejo,” which is used to describe someone zoning out and thinking about nothing, and “Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr",” which literally means “let water that you don’t have to drink run", but is used to say that you should not think about something that is not your business or that you cannot control.